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Friday, May 16, 2014

Cooke Aquaculture's atlantic salmon feedlot, St. Mary's Bay Nova Scotia Feb.21, 2013

This footage was taken Feb. 21 ,2013 four days after the storm. 
Most of the above water nets that keep the birds out are gone. Many of the ropes that keep the bottom nets in place appear to be gone. But, according to Glenn Cooke from Cooke Aquaculture:

"There is no such thing as open pen salmon farming. Our ocean farms, where our salmon spend the latter half of their lives in their natural habitat, are not open. Farms are securely moored on the ocean floor with systems that are designed and built to withstand local conditions by experts right here in Atlantic Canada. A multiple system of durable nets keep the salmon on the farm and the predators out, and our track record of containing our fish has been exemplary."

Quote taken from an opinion piece written by Glenn Cooke titled: "Why we need to farm the oceans"

After most storms in St. Mary's Bay these feedlots are twisted and compromised. This is just another day in the life of NOT open pen feedlots in our oceans. If the fish in these pens didn't have an opportunity to swim away - they floated away. Local fishermen reported seals feasting in the area and many dead sea birds. I would guess the birds were going into the compromised pens, were trapped in them and drowned.

Get these threats to wild salmon out of our oceans! Putting fish feedlots in our oceans is irresponsible and a crime against nature.

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